HappyCall, Happy Mom!
Ho-ho yes! I finally bought it for Mommy. She had longed for to have this "magic" pan ever since she saw the commercial on TV. I remember how she described this double-sided pressure pan as her love at first sight lol and she begged me to buy one for making cooking easier, faster and tastier.
"HappyCall is NOT just a cooking pan," Mom said. I couldn't agree more after taking the time to watch the commercial myself over curiosity. The pan has two sides, non-sticky ones, that can be flipped with no leak or spill due to silicone seal along sides of the pan. In addition, its 3-layer ceramic coating used for pressure cooking system makes any dishes well-cooked over a small flame. Hence, it's totally worth to buy. I said, "Anything for Mommy!" xx

"HappyCall is NOT just a cooking pan," Mom said. I couldn't agree more after taking the time to watch the commercial myself over curiosity. The pan has two sides, non-sticky ones, that can be flipped with no leak or spill due to silicone seal along sides of the pan. In addition, its 3-layer ceramic coating used for pressure cooking system makes any dishes well-cooked over a small flame. Hence, it's totally worth to buy. I said, "Anything for Mommy!" xx
itu fotonya kayaknya happy call asli ya? *inget komentar seorang teman, katanya happy call asli tuh yang ada happy salma-nya* tp real nya, barangnya asli ga? :p